It is unbelievable as to how many elderly live in homes not properly air conditioned. Extreme heat can cause heat strokes, heat rashes, heat cramps, and exhaustion. When the elderly are living in homes without air conditioning during these hot Iowa summer months, they are more susceptible to the dangers of extreme heat.
Decompositions are more prevalent in the summer months. They could be more frequent due to the heat being a part of the cause of death, but the heat is definitely a part of why they are discovered sooner.
With the temperatures being so high lately, once deceased, a decomposing body quickly progresses its' process and more damage can be caused to the property itself. Remediation can include furniture and carpet removal along with subfloor removal. Depending on location of death, a home’s mechanical systems can be affected if fluids enter any floor vents. In order to properly remove bio-hazards/body fluids, we have to demo flooring, walls, cabinets, etc., or else the smell and hazards are still present. Any remaining smells that linger in the air of the residence/area can be removed by using our ozone machine which is a miracle worker.
Thinking about a loved one not being found for a long period of time is disheartening. Check on your friends and family not heard from in a while - especially the elderly. Summer months present so many more dangers than the colder months. We should all be checking on our loved ones more often, and making sure their air conditioners are working properly. Many elderly are too proud to call their family and admit they are living with no cold air either due to lack of money to pay their bill or lack of will to call a HVAC company to come out and fix their unit. Just like Bio-One Des Moines, your loved ones are only a call away!